We recommend that you read this article to select the method that best suits your needs.
All shipments made with FeDex can be located at any time with your tracking number. In addition, in case the shipment is lost, we will resend the product or refund the full amount of the order.
Delivery times
- Europe 2/3 days
- North America 5/7 days
- Southamerica 5/7 days
- Asia 7/10 days
- Australia 7/10 days
In Hungary we use the National Service. A tracking code is provided for international shipments. But if the country of destination does not enter this code in their system, the order may be untraceable.
We are not held responsible in the event that the order is lost or delayed.
Delivery times:
- Europe 7/15 days
- North America 20/40 days
- South America 20/60 days
- Asia 20/60 days
- Australia 20/30 days